C. x hiemalis ‘Kira-shiro-kantsubaki’. 吉良白寒椿. Names means “Kira’s White Winter camellia”. Released in 1960s by Kira Firm of Nishio City.
Medium-compact, well-formed spreading plant with double white flowers of pretty shape. A modest but reliable seed producer.
I use it in my hybridization program because of habit, good shape of a double flower and seed production.
Comparison with other double white flowers:
Smaller than ‘Asakura’.
Larger and has better shape than ‘Paradise Little Liane’.
Less full than Seikaiha.
More interesting shape than ‘Silver Dollar’. Less bright white comparing to ‘Silver Dollar’.
Somewhat smaller than ‘White Doves’.
More interesting shape than ‘Dwarf Shishi’.