Camellia sasanqua (Japanese: サザンカ, 山茶花, Chinese: 茶梅) is a fall-flowering ornamental shrub related to Camellia japonica and Camellia sinensis, the tea plant. Camellia sasanqua is native to Japan and China, and popular in the United States, warmer parts of Europe, Australia and New Zealand.

Yuri Panchul, the creator of this website, is a camellia hybridizer living in Sunnyvale, California. Yuri’s articles about sasanquas appeared in American Camellia Yearbook, The Camellia Journal and other publications.

6 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi Yuri–do you know where I can find a copy of Shen Yinchun 沈荫椿’s book (茶花)thanks! -Charlie

  2. Just saw your reply, thanks. Also, I live in the bay area as well and am acquainted with Bob Ehrhart and John Wang. If you surplus camellias I would love them to take them off your hands for a price. -Charlie

  3. I am searching for very high resolution photos of Camellia sasanqua for use as wall art in a dark office hallway, preferably bright pink with a light background or sky. The printed image will be approximately 24″x48″. Do you have any that would be suitable?

    Thank you

  4. Hello Yuri,
    I am looking for a source for Dwarf Shishi White. If it is like Dwarf Shishi it will be a great choice for a small Camellia. I do have a Shiro Shishi but it is much more upright growing. I would also like to grow your new cultivars if you would like to trade some scions or plants.

    1. David:

      *** I’m searching for a source of Dwarf Shishi White which I saw some pictures of recently. Do you know where I could find a plant or scions? I also posted a comment on your website. ***

      I have two large White Dwarf Shishi plants growing in the ground and would be glad to give you the scions – just tell me how many do you need.

      *** I would be happy to trade some plants for your new sasanqua cultivars. ***

      This would be very nice. I am also interested if you can grow, propagate and sell the cultivars I created. I registered two of them and have two more I plan to register soon. I put slides about them ( ). I don’t have the capacity to propagate, market and sell my cultivars because I am busy with my job (I am a design engineer in Samsung doing graphics hardware for smartphones). So if you can offer my cultivars to your customers I would be happy, I want people to grow them.

      Thank you,
      Yuri Panchul

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